Kristen and I got back around 8 last night, just in time for our street fireworks (one of the neighbors was shooting fireworks off his front porch).
The trip was great! I hadn't been to Quebec City since I was in grade 8 and fresh out of French immersion. It turns out French is like anything if you don't use it you loose it lol! It was really interesting being the minority, trying to communicate with waiters and hotel attendants that spoke very little English. Trying to order food especially on the outskirts of the city where English is not spoken at all was difficult.
It was amazing that even though Kristen and I were on a vacation God chose to teach us something. When we were at Dairy Queen I was trying to order, I was saying the right things, but the waiter didn't understand me, we weren't speaking the same language. This is like the gospel, it is always the right thing to say but how you present it needs to be different for different ppl! Because of different life experiences people respond differently to different approaches, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try, it just means you have to be creative and "relevant" in the way you do. In order to do that you need to be willing to invest in someone and bring the gospel to them where they are at!
Here are a few pics from the trip, I have posted more on Facebook!
but did you ever get the ice cream is my question....
did I get the ice cream...of course this guy doesn't mess around when it comes to food! Very awkward getting it,lots of pointing and hand signals but in the end I got the food.
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