Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taking a breather!

Things are starting to move, change is everywhere! God grant me the wisdom and strength to make the right decisions and the faith to know that everything is in your hands.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Taking a big step

For those of you who have been reading my blog over the past few months this will come as no shock, I have officially given my notice at Routes and I am moving on to work for the Freeway as a church planting intern. This is a really exciting and terrifying proposition as I am giving up the security of a full time permanent job for a one year contract, that will lead me to plant a church for potentially no pay. Even though commonsense (a worlds view of commonsense) would say this is a pretty stupid decision, I honestly couldn't be more excited. In fact, I feel like a kid going on his first roller coaster or going down the steepest hill on a GT snow racer, I am pumped!! I can't really explain the peace I feel knowing that I am following Gods plan and doing what I am supposed to do. I am still very aware that following Jesus may be tough, who am I kidding will be tough. I know it won't necessarily mean a middle class life style and it certainly won't mean success in the eyes of the world! It will on the other hand bring my family and I closer to the life Jesus is calling us to!

So I leave you with this, if God is calling you to something think about, pray about and then act, because you can't do anything until you do something! Deep I know!!



PS I am always willing to chat with anyone who is interested in learning more about my vision and what God is calling me to and potentially what he is calling some of you to!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Decorating the Christmas Tree

December 1st - The beginning of Jacksons 1st Christmas!

Picking the Christmas Tree - We decided to go old fashioned and we went to a tree farm to pick out our beautiful 9 ft spruce (I'm actually not sure what type of tree it is)

it's finally up!

Jackson hanging his first ornament!

The finished product!!

Relaxing after!

Jackson posing for some Christmas photos!