Monday, May 28, 2007

Are you being Brain washed

This weekend I had an interesting question posed to me that at first really insulted me and really disappointed me. To be honest I am still a little disappointed by the intentions in the words but on a positive note they have made me think. On Saturday I was asked by Christian friend if I really believed I was being called or was it just that I was being brainwashed by someone. The implication certainly was that they believed I was being brainwashed. I am glad to say that I don't feel like I am being brainwashed by a person but rather I am proud to say I have drank the 'Koolaid' and that if anyone is brainwashing me it is GOD and truly I pray that he continues to envelop my thoughts and place me where he wants me to be! Also, it is worth noting that I am thankful for the person accused of brainwashing me, he has been a good friend with great spiritual maturity, and continues to help me grasp and understand ideas which are new and unfamiliar.

This quote really helped me frame my thoughts,

"Don't do anything until you are sure Jesus is with you. Like Mose's tell the Lord I am not going to take one step forward unless you go first." (Niel Cole)

I am more than conifident that God is one step ahead of me, and no matter where he leads me he will never leave me! That comment from a friend although initially upsetting helped affirm my recent decision. God is not asking me to stay somewhere and be comfortable but rather he is asking me to go places that can only be attempted with his help.

I pray that as I continue down a road, a seemingly impossible road without God that I will always stay focused on the vision God has placed on my heart, and that I stay on the heels of the King! My hope is that no one can say Jason did that but rather I hope they say there is no way Jason could have done that with out GOD!


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