Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'm officially retiring from moving people

The past few years it seems at least once a month I have been moving or helping someone or organization move. Well I'm officially retired from the world of moving people or at least charging for my services lol! This season of moving was capped off this past weekend when I helped my current church family move from a temporary location into a new building up on the mountain, and then moving my brother in-law from London to Toronto. Its not that I don't like helping people its just that my back is really sore. Oh well, I guess the only good thing about moving people is there is always a funny story to look back on. For example, when I moved Martin this past weekend we were waiting with the loaded truck at a service centre for over an hour (long story) but while we were they we watched a senior citzen assault the pavement with his nose, he missed a stepped and fell and there was blood everywhere (in the end he was fine) then while we were waiting by the truck another truck parked to close to us and ripped off our mirror. Ironically it was another rental truck from the same company. And to top things off we watched a lady empty out her van filled with like 7 dogs of all shapes and sizes (it was like a clown car, one after another), interestingly enough she didn't clean up after the dogs (my pet peeve!) In retrospect, I will probably help out again, just so I can see what other crazy stuff will happen!


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