Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Free Happy Ending!

I was driving around Dofasco yesterday as I dropped my father in-law off at work and I was wowed by the number of "Massage parlours," "nudie-bars," and other similar establishments. This got me thinking about the emptiness someone must feel to go into a place like that. I am sure for a brief moment while the act is being administered an individual must feel fulfilled but that sense of fulfillment can't last for long. In fact that happy ending is probably the start of many unhappy things (disease, addiction.....). Then I thought of a happy ending that doesn't end, " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 cor. 5:17. Following Jesus can give you surges of happiness but more importantly following Jesus offers the happiest of all endings and a new way of living before the end the comes. I pray more people will find their way to Jesus instead of looking for quick "Happy endings"

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