Just started reading "The Emerging Christian Way." So far it is an interesting book and offers some valid criticism of the current Church. That being said, the theology offered in the book is a little shakey. It appears that the authors (there are about 1o contributors) are arguing that Christianity "the church" must make a paradigm shift in order to survive. They believe this shift is already starting and in fact one of the authors argues that it is both "the best of times and the worst of times for Christianity." They believe Christianity should be less about a one time decision that will lead to heaven and more about a transformation. This argument I can cling to (although some of the other things in the book may not be as Biblically sound). Too often our faith revolves around a decision many of us made 10, 20 or even 30 years ago, and if we look at our life and the way we live not too much is different from that day. Except for the things you don't do anymore (get drunk, sleep around.....). I believe God is more concerned with the new things we are doing and less concerned about what we aren't doing anymore. Take Paul the Apostle for example, he becomes a follower of Christ and yes he stops persecuting the early Church but more importantly he starts to spread Christianity among the Gentiles. Certainly it was good that he stopped killing the Christians, but just imagine if all he did was stop with the "butterfly in the tummy feelings" and didn't put is faith into action.
Friends look at your life, if your life is as boring and crummy as it was before you were saved, or if all Christianity is to you is a set off "Don't Do's" make a change!!! Following Christ should be Transforming, remember the old has gone and the new is come.... Give the the world around you an example of how exciting following Christ can be and not how boring it is.
Just some random thoughts. The book although not the greatest certainly has made me think a bit deeper!!
PS Remember if you aren't being challenged by Christ or the word your probably doing something wrong!