Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Random Thoughts

Sorry for the time away, the last couple of weeks have been crazy as I transition out of Meadowlands and into FRWY, as well as having a busy Routes schedule. What you have missed, well last weekend, I had the "privilege" of playing in the Hamilton international Tattoo, Pipes and military bands from 9 am to 10:00 pm good times lol! I am not saying I don't like brass music, I actually enjoy it, but there is something mind numbing about standing in Copps coliseum surrounded by hundreds of pipers and military bands playing as loud as they can. But I found solace in knowing that it will be my last Tattoo!

This week God has really been impressing on me that just because something is good, and Godly it doesn't mean I should be doing it. I have come to the realization again that one can become overwhelmed with Holy busy work. For instance, the Tattoo, not a bad thing, and may be even a good thing to play spiritual music in a secular environment. But, when the "means" becomes more important then the "ends" we can get ourselves into trouble, in other words when the prestige of playing in front of 5000 ppl becomes more important then growing the Kingdom of God we can get ourselves in a little trouble . Another example from my Salvation Army tradition is the uniform. The uniform is a wonderful spiritual symbol of full Salvation and a life of devotion, but when instead being a symbol of Christian service it becomes a tool to play in bands/choirs or take on leadership while hiding behind it, its original purpose has been perverted and what was good and can still be good, has become bad.

Oh well just some thoughts from this crazy week.


PS I am writing this at 9:00am after doing a presentation at 7:00am @ Rotary for all of you who don't think I have to work before 1 in the afternoon! lol!

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